• Metaverse for Digital Commerce and Virtual Economy

    OCTOBER 17-21 2022 | SINGAPORE

  • Themes

    The metaverse refers to large and open 3D virtual spaces that allow massive users to socialize, learn, work, collaborate, create, play, and purchase in such virtual spaces. The latest technologies (e.g., AR technology, VR technology, MR technology, etc.) promote the realization of the metaverse. Recently, the metaverse brings unprecedented opportunities for digital commerce and the virtual economy. For example, Nike released NIKELAND on the gaming platform Roblox, an immersive and customizable 3D space where customers can participate in games using Nike apparel and accessories in this toolkit. Through this, the brand Nike can maintain positive interaction relationships with consumers, and cultivate customer loyalty. In the NFT-driven metaverse spaces, the virtual assets can also be traded, customized, and even monetized, suggesting the metaverse can create new forms of economy.


    The workshop on Metaverse for Digital Commerce and Virtual Economy, hosted by the IEEE ISMAR 2022, presents a meaningful platform for domain researchers to share and discuss the potential impact of metaverse on digital commerce and virtual economy. It aims to promote metaverse research for different aspects of commerce.


  • Topic of interest

    The workshop invites researchers to submit technical papers, position papers, and other research papers. The workshop on Metaverse for Digital Commerce and Virtual Economy, hosted by the IEEE ISMAR 2022, presents a meaningful platform for domain researchers to share and discuss the potential impact of metaverse on digital commerce and virtual economy. It aims to promote metaverse research for different aspects of commerce. The submission could be 4-8 pages (including references) on any of the following topics but not limited to:

    • VR/AR/MR technology in production, online retail, e-commerce, health, tourism, and entertainment

    • VR/AR/MR hardware and user adoption

    • Artificial intelligence and machine learning for the VR-generated data processing

    • User experience, behavior, and decision-making process in the VR/AR/MR contexts

    • Social network analysis in VR/AR/MR contexts

    • The gamification of VR/AR/MR applications and its impacts on consumer engagement and brand marketing

    • Assessment of the VR/AR/MR effectiveness

    • Human-Machine Interaction in VR/AR/MR contexts

    • Recommender systems for VR products and application

    • Blockchain technology for the metaverse

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    Invited speaker

    Prof. Lik-hang (Paul) Lee

    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Director of the Augmented Reality and Media Lab



  • Organizers

    if you have any questions ,please contact organizers

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    Yang Qian is a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Management, Hefei University of Technology. He received his Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Hefei University of Technology in 2020. His research interests include electronic commerce, online marketing, and human-computer interaction. His work has appeared in journals including the European Journal of Operational Research, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, and World Wide Web.



    Yang qian

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    Yuyang Wang is a postdoctoral fellow at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He received a PhD in computer science from the Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology in France. His research interests include data-driven modelling methods to develop intelligent interaction techniques in virtual environments and create educational tools on the XR platform. His work has appeared in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, and IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces. And He had organized a Workshop on the 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces.



    Yuyang Wang

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     Yezheng Liu is a professor of Electronic Commerce at the Hefei University of Technology, China. He received his Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Hefei University of Technology in 2001. His main research interests include marketing in VR context, electronic intelligent decision support systems, and data mining. His work has appeared in journals including Marketing Science, IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, Information Sciences, and ACM Transactions on Information Systems.


    Yezheng Liu

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    Yuanchun Jiang is a professor at the School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, China. He received his Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China. He teaches electronic commerce, business intelligence and business research methods. His research interests include online marketing, electronic commerce and data mining. He has published papers in journals such as Marketing Science, European Journal of Operational Research, Decision Support Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.


    Yuchun Jiang

  • Submission Guidelines

    All submissions must be done electronically via Microsoft CMT System.Note that the use of a teaser image in papers is encouraged.

    All Conference Paper submissions should be formatted using the IEEE Computer Society TVCG format described here.

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    Important Dates


    01/08/2022- Submission deadline

    08/08/2022- Notification of Acceptance

    31/08/2022 - Camera-ready deadline

    17/10/2022-Workshop date

  • Presentations

    [1] Augmented Reality in Telecom Industry: Concepts, Technologies and Applications

    Zhiqiang Tian (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.)

    [2] The Impact of Non-Immersive Virtual Reality Technologies on Consumers' Behaviors in Real Estate: A Website's Perspective

    Tingting Zhu (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)

    [3] Helpfulness Prediction for VR Application Reviews: Exploring Topic Signals for Causal Inference

    Meng Zhang (Hefei University of Technology)

    [4] Explore and Interpret the Correlations Among VR Applications

    Huahua Xu (Hefei University of Technology)

    [5] Towards a Virtual Business Ecosystem in the Metaverse Era

    Qiyuan Hu (People's Daily Online)


    Marc Sawiros (Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, LISPEN, HESAM Université, UBFC)

    [7] Deceiving Audio Design in Augmented Environments : A Systematic Review of Audio Effects in Augmented Reality

    de Haas Esmée (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)

    [8] Review of Persuasive User Interface as Strategy for Technology Addiction in Virtual Environments

    Fachrina Dewi Puspitasari (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)

    [9] The Digital Big Bang in the Metaverse Era

    Lik-Hang Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)